Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Put it back in your pants, fellas.

I am a single girl, and the past year has been an adventure in dating, both in NYC and in Toronto. I've experienced the horrors of the 'non-talker' (ie guy who can't put two words together or hold up his end of the conversation), the guy(s) who talks with his mouth full, and the guy who, with no regard to body language or sense of social decorum, pounces on you in the street.

But none of these surprises me as much as the guys who whip it out: yes ladies, the guys who bring out their cell phone in the middle of your date. I mean, seriously? Is this what we're doing now? When did this become acceptable? How do you make someone feel interesting and special if you answer every single text you get during a couple of drinks? Has our culture become so ADD that we simply can't help ourselves?

I've even tried pulling out my own cell phone in response, as a joke, but the joke gets lost. Or goes over like a lead... phone.

Word to the wise, guys: keep it in your pants. Seriously.

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